Statin Side Effects – What to Know


You may be wondering how to find out what statin side effects are so you know if you should be taking it. Statins are an important drug in controlling cholesterol levels. They are also known to cause unwanted side effects in many people. They are prescribed as a medication for high cholesterol and high blood pressure, but many doctors now also prescribe them for people with heart disease and diabetes.


So, when can you start looking for statin side effects? It's best to try a generic drug to see how well it works before deciding whether to use it. It may be that a different medication will be easier for you to use. In some cases, once doctors have prescribed such a drug for ten years or more, then it's taken off of the market due to unforeseen, unwanted side effects.


In addition, there are some drugs that you should consider avoiding if you have heart or high blood pressure. Some of those drugs are statins, as well as ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers. ACE inhibitors are prescribed to prevent clots from forming in arteries, but sometimes they stop the heart from pumping blood through the body. This can cause strokes and heart attacks. Beta blockers work by reducing heart rate, but they also raise cholesterol.


Statins can have statin side effects, too. Many people experience nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and stomach aches. In addition, many also experience headaches, muscle and joint pains, depression and memory problems. Some people also experience skin rashes and intestinal discomfort.


It's also very important to know what these statin side effects mean to you. It's easy to get tempted to take more than you need. That's why it's important to talk to your doctor first. If you decide you want to take more, ask your doctor whether there are better ways to control your cholesterol levels without taking statins. Or, make sure you find a lower cholesterol medication that you can tolerate.


There are other side effects of statins as well. Some people report hearing ringing in their ears. dizziness and nausea. If you are not used to these statin side effects, you may not realize that you are taking them.


Some of the most common side effects are not serious. However, you should still keep your doctor informed if you are not happy with the results of statins. He or she can tell you if it's time to switch.


To find out more about the side effects of statins, talk to your doctor


This can help you decide if you need to know about it and what to do about it. You can even learn what you can do to avoid side effects if you are already suffering from them.


When talking about the side effects of statins, be honest with your doctor. You don't want to lie. He can stalk you over and over again, so it's best to be completely honest. Just make sure you don't get another heart attack or kidney failure from lying to your doctor.


You can also look into statin-free supplements. You can try them if you like. There are no harmful substances in them. and they are natural. They can really help you if you are taking other medications.


Talk to your doctor about this. If you already have diabetes or high cholesterol, then you know how dangerous the side effects of prescription drugs can be. They can put you in danger if you are not careful. There are alternatives for you if you accept them too.


Keep in mind that the side effects of statins are not as serious as some of the things we hear about on TV. Some people do not even realize that they are taking them and therefore do not worry about them. However, if you do accept them, you should be aware of all the possible problems that you may encounter.


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